Monday, November 24, 2008

My Dark Little Secret

I know I am going to take heat for this, but I am going to come out of the closet anyway. I have been keeping a dark little secret the last 2 days and it has finally eaten at me so bad that I'm coming clean.

I knew that Brynn wanted to see the movie Twilight really bad. She never really said it out loud; I'm just in tune with her enough to know what she wants. Do you really go to hell for lying, because if so, I better stop this post right now. Anyway, continuing on, what my girl wants, she gets, so I instantly went out and ordered tickets for a Saturday night showing.

Jason and DeAnna are friends of ours, and knowing that Jason would never get the initiative to get tickets for DeAnna, I called him with the intention that I would do whatever it took to get him to buy his wife tickets (she wanted to see it) ....eerily, he actually seemed excited and said ok with a smile.

We ended up having a boys, and Rocky, night at Rock's house. After a night of steak and football, Jason and I told Rocky and Cody that we had to leave early because we were taking our wives' to the movie Twilight. Rocky's wife Britt was gone that night, yet, Rocky still asked if he could go with us.....weird, but whatever.


I didn't even know what the Twilight was about, but I had heard on the radio that it was like Beverly Hills 90210 with vampires. The only reason I still went was because I liked Dillon from 90210. Honestly, I prepared myself for the worst going into this show.

The show came and went, quicker than I had expected, and I actually stayed awake through the entire show. I asked Brynn and DeAnna what they thought; both had mixed feelings. Jason wouldn't respond. When asked my opinion, I said it was stupid and that I didn't see much because I had been sleeping. However, I must say that that was a lie. I actually didn't mind the show. It wasn't great, but truthfully, I didn't mind it, and it was actually better than expected.

So there you have it; let the hate mail commence.


  1. A boys and Rocky night! you make me laugh so much. It was so funn (one "n" doesn't cut it) to hang out with you and Brynn. So because I still can't really tell if I liked the movie maybe we should all go see it again. Are you game? :) Don't act macho's too late. I won't tell anyone if you decide to read twilight to get a better idea of the really should. It's been done by other men, men who don't even wear pink or baby blue. I bet Rocky has already gone to see the movie by himself so don't let his mocking get to you.

  2. My only comment bro is that when I want to watch a movie it's because a hot girl not because of a guy...Roc might want to add another rule to his blog after reading yours.

  3. Ok, I better make it clear. I didn't like Dillon as in think he was hot. I just liked his side burns and wished I could grow them myself.

  4. Once again, in the words of Roger, "You've misremembered". You are right about Rock wanting to go even without his wife but I don't remember you wanting me to buy my wife tickets. All I remember is you asking me to go with you...your treat. I'm the one who thought we should actually bring women with us.

  5. I don't remember anything about wanting to go with you, but it would have made for some great blog pictures. Instead of trying to take pics of boys in girl jeans, I'd have had you two shoulder to shoulder sharing popcorn.

  6. Crowe, I didn't know you understood english so I had google translate put it in German specifically for you.

  7. Im glad you thought about me
